55 research outputs found

    Laboratory and Field Investigations on Compatibility of Beauveria bassiana (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) Spores With a Sprayable Bioplastic Formulation for Application in the Biocontrol of Tarnished Plant Bug in Cotton

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    Two isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, including the commercial strain GHA and the Mississippi Delta native NI8 strain, and two emulsifiers, Tween-80 and a starch-based sprayable bioplastic, were evaluated in the laboratory and field for pathogenicity and infectivity against the tarnished plant bug, Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) (Heteroptera: Miridae). The effect on fruit damage based on within-season cotton plant mapping was also examined. The highest mortality 10 d after treatment was found with insects caged on cotton terminals sprayed with NI8 + Tween-80, followed by those exposed to NI8 + bioplastic. Similarly, sporulation was shown to be higher in NI8 + Tween-80 than in other treatments. Plots sprayed with B. bassiana showed at least a twofold decrease in tarnished plant bug adults 3 d after treatment compared with control plots. Little to no variation was observed in tarnished plant bug nymph populations between treated and untreated plots. Within-season plant mapping provided clear evidence of damage to cotton caused by tarnished plant bug. The highest percentage retention of all first position fruiting structures was observed in plots treated with NI8 + Tween-80 (93.41 \ub1 1.51) followed by NI8 + bioplastic (90.25 \ub1 1.52). Both treatments were significantly different when compared with GHA + Tween-80 (82.89 \ub1 2.26) and GHA + bioplastic (70.48 \ub1 3.19), and both GHA formulations did not differ from the control (63.61 \ub1 2.96). Overall, these results indicated that B. bassiana application resulted in >50% mortality of tarnished plant bug regardless of the isolates by direct spray or by contact. However, the superior performance of the Mississippi Delta native NI8 strain was observed in all treatment applications and evaluation times

    Effect of Two Bacillus thuringiensis1 Proteins on Development of the Fall Armyworm2 after Seven-Day Exposure Efecto en el Desarrollo del Gusano Cogollero2 Después de Ser Expuesto por Siete Días a Dos Proteínas de Bacillus thuringiensis1

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    Field-evolved resistance of fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), to the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) has been reported worldwide as one of the most serious threats to the sustainability of Bt maize crop. Therefore, it is important to assess the magnitude of adult survival and the possibility of cross-resistance of fall armyworm neonates exposed to Bt proteins. In this study, bioassays were used to examine susceptibility of two field-collected Cry1Fa-resistant strains of fall armyworm from Puerto Rico (456RR, 512RR) and their crosses with a susceptible strain (Monsanto SS) (456SR-RS, 512SR-RS). LC50 values varied in both Cry1Fa-resistant strains and in their backcrosses with the susceptible strain. The two RR strains were more tolerant to Cry1Fa and Cry1Ac proteins in earlier instars of development than were their crosses. Greater survival to the adult stage was obtained in the 512 RR strain and their RS-SR crosses when exposed to all concentrations of Cry1Ac and 1Fa. Survival to adult in the 456 RR was much greater when exposed to Cry1Fa than to Cry1Ac. Adults of 456 RR and their crosses survived only when exposed to the lowest concentrations of Cry1Ac. Our data confirmed great resistance to Cry1Fa and Cry1Ac in S. frugiperda larvae from Puerto Rico. However, based on the larvae that survived the 7-day diet bioassay and developed to pupae and adult maturity on regular diet, their LC50 values were less for both resistant strains and their crosses

    Percepción de rechazo entre iguales hacia niños con necesidades educativas especiales de educación general básica media de la Unidad Educativa Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilla en Cuenca, periodo 2022-2023

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    El rechazo social es uno de los grandes problemas que afectan a la convivencia dentro de las instituciones educativas, sobre todo cuando el estudiante presenta algún tipo de necesidad. Investigaciones realizadas sobre el rechazo del alumnado hacia compañeros con necesidades educativas especiales han demostrado que la percepción que ellos tienen sobre los estudiantes con características diferentes, afecta considerablemente el desarrollo socioemocional y cognitivo en dicho grupo. Por tanto, esta investigación plantea como objetivo general caracterizar la percepción de actitudes de rechazo entre pares hacia el alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales de educación general básica media, en el período 2022 - 2023. El estudio tiene un enfoque cualitativo, tipo de diseño fenomenológico y de alcance descriptivo. Los participantes son estudiantes de los niveles de quinto, sexto y séptimo año de Educación General Básica Media, de la Unidad Educativa “Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilla” seleccionados mediante un muestreo por conveniencia. Las técnicas utilizadas son la entrevista semiestructurada y el grupo focal. Como resultados se obtuvo que a nivel general la convivencia entre pares es caracterizada por la armonía, solidaridad, empatía y compañerismo, por lo que no se presenta un rechazo hacia los niños que presentan algún tipo de discapacidad o dificultad en su proceso de aprendizaje. Por otra parte, en menor medida se evidenció que existe cierta desconfianza hacia los estudiantes que proceden de otros países, al momento de entablar una relación de amistad, puesto que existen pensamientos negativos hacia ellos.Social rejection is one of the biggest problems impacting coexistence within educational institutions, especially seen when a student requires additional educational assistance. Studies conducted about the rejection from the student body towards students with different special educational needs have shown that the perception about students with disabilities considerably affects the socio-emotional and cognitive development in said group. Therefore, this study’s main purpose is to define the perceptions had about discriminatory attitudes against the students with special educational needs in the general basic middle school education during the 2022-2023 period. The study has a qualitative lens, with a phenomenological design and descriptive scope. The participants are students in 5th, 6th, and 7th graders of General Basic Middle School Education, from the Educational Unit “Carlos Rigoberto Vintimilla”, which were selected through convenience sampling. As a result, it was obtained that, at a general level, coexistence between peers is characterized by harmony, solidarity, empathy and companionship, so there is no rejection of children who present some type of disability or difficulty in their learning process. On the other hand, to a lesser extent it is evident that there is a certain distrust towards students who come from other countries, when establishing a friendship relationship, since there are negative thoughts towards them.0000-0002-4976-682

    Los contrarios en el aula de clase cuando se aprende a leer y a escribir

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    En este estudio se analizan las producciones orales y escritas de listas de palabras contrarias de niños de 5 y 6 años, y su evolución después de una secuencia didáctica en el aula de clase. Las palabras contrarias fueron el contenido de aprendizaje cuando los niños aprendían a leer y a escribir siguiendo el criterio de que la eficacia de la enseñanza de la lengua aumenta cuando se apoya en las competencias lingüísticas de los alumnos. En el análisis, las producciones se describieron y compararon para determinar diferencias entre lo oral y lo escrito, y entre los momentos anteriores y posteriores a la intervención. En la secuencia didáctica se identificaron los procesos subyacentes al aprendizaje de las palabras contrarias. Los resultados muestran un incremento de vocabulario tanto en las tareas orales como en las escritas después de la intervención, con algunas diferencias entre modalidades que son descritas. Este incremento se interpreta a partir de los patrones expresados en las tareas de aprendizaje, su carácter encadenado y la evolución de las sesiones a través del trabajo con textos de literatura infantil que favorecieron la capacidad metalingüística y las posibilidades de escritura y lectura

    Effect of Modification of the NI Artificial Diet on the Biological Fitness Parameters of Mass Reared Western Tarnished Plant Bug, Lygus hesperus

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    The NI artificial diet is the only known successful diet for mass rearing the western tarnished plant bug, Lygus hesperus Knight (Hemiptera: Miridae). This diet has been used for more than a decade. However, because it contains cooked chicken egg, and thus requires laborious preparation (Cohen 2000), this diet is difficult to use. Three modifications (D1, D2, D3) of the NI diet were investigated in hopes of developing a more easily prepared diet that avoids the cooked egg and improves mass fitness parameters of L. hesperus. The modified D3 diet, containing autoclaved chicken egg yolk based component, had the highest egg/cage/day production (13120 ± 812 SE). This was significantly greater than diets D1, containing autoclaved dry chicken egg yolk based component (9027 ± 811 SE), D2, containing autoclaved chicken egg white based component (8311 ± 628 SE), and NI, which contained autoclaved chicken egg yolk + cooked egg diet (7890 ± 761 SE). Significant differences were observed in the weights of all developmental stages except for eggs and first instar nymphs. Higher rates of fertility, hatchability, and low mortality in nymphs during the first instar were also obtained in the modified D3 diet. The results clearly indicated that the D3 diet provided an opportunity to significantly reduce rearing cost by avoiding time-consuming issues with preparation of a cooked egg diet. This should result in an increase in production capacity and a reduction in production costs

    Evaluación de la conducta alimentaria en adultos de 20-40 años del municipio de Bucaramanga

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    Los trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Es una enfermedad de la salud mental que afectan psicológica y físicamente a la persona, tanto adolescentes como a mujeres jóvenes. Se puede estar atentos a los factores de riesgo tanto individuales como socioculturales y desde el punto de vista de los profesionales de la salud, existen instrumentos no sólo para establecer un diagnóstico sino aprovechar su uso como herramienta para una detección temprana de este trastorno. Investigaciones evidencian que, las preocupaciones de la imagen corporal y otras conductas influyen en el desarrollo y permanencia de este trastorno. Los valores cobran cada vez protagonismo, y el fruto de esto se ve reflejada en una excesiva preocupación por su aspecto físico, encaminadas a un ideal estético socialmente establecido, el conocimiento de estos múltiples factores de desarrollo de los TCA y su especial injerencia con los medios potenciadores de estas patologías ya que motivan al análisis de esta investigación.Research shows that body image concerns and other behaviors influence the development and persistence of this disorder. Values are increasingly taking center stage, and the fruit of this is reflected in an excessive concern for their physical appearance, aimed at a socially established aesthetic ideal, knowledge of these multiple factors of development of eating disorders and their special interference with the media. enhancers of these pathologies since they motivate the analysis of this research.Introducción 4. -- Planteamiento del problema 7. --Pregunta problema 9. -- Justificación 10. -- Objetivo general 12. -- Objetivos específicos 12. -- Marco Referencial 13. -- Antecedentes investigativos 13. --Internacionales 13. -- Nacionales 15. -- Locales 17. -- Marco conceptual 19. -- Marco legal 27. -- Marco teórico 30. -- Metodología 39. -- Diseño 39. -- Enfoque cuantitativo 40. -- Población 40. --Tipo de muestreo 40. -- Criterios de inclusión y exclusión 41. -- Instrumentos 42. -- El EDI-3 - El Inventario de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria-3 42. -- Plan De Análisis De Datos 49. -- Resultados 50. -- Resultados Sociodemográficos 50. -- Resultados de la prueba Edi-3 56. -- Consecuencias 72. --Recomendaciones 74. -- Conclusión 80. -- Referencias 81 Lista de Tablas. -- Tabla 1 Estadísticas 9. -- Tabla 2 Cronograma 46. -- Tabla 3 Presupuesto 47. -- Tabla 4 Resultados generales en los datos sociodemográficos. 53 Lista de Gráficas. -- Gráfica 1 Género 48. -- Gráfica 2 Rango de edad 49. -- Gráfica 3 Estrato social 50. -- Gráfica 4 Con quién vive 51. -- Gráfica 5 Nivel educativo 51. -- Gráfica 6 Trabaja 52. -- Gráfica 7 Hijos 53. -- Gráfica 8 Insatisfacción corporal (BD) 55. -- Gráfica 9 Obsesión por la delgadez (DT) 56. -- Gráfica 10 Bulimia (B) 5

    Soybean Flour and Wheat Germ Proportions in Artificial Diet and Their Effect on the Growth Rates of the Tobacco Budworm, Heliothis virescens

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    Soybean flour and wheat germ are the two most important protein components of wheat germ-based insect artificial diets. The effect of modifying the proportion of these two ingredients in a Noctuidae-specific diet was investigated utilizing the tobacco budworm Heliothis virescens (F.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), with the goal of developing a suboptimal diet that, without drastically affecting this insect's growth and reproductive rates, could manifest subtle negative effects in this insect. The original diet formula contained 2.51% protein. When the proportions of soybean flour and wheat germ were changed to 2.15% protein the net reproductive rate of the first generation was significantly lower. In the second generation, the net reproductive rate, development time, percent female survivorship, fertility, intrinsic rate of increase, finite rate of increase and female longevity were significantly lower in both the 2.15% and 2.26% protein diets. The survival rate of immatures to the adult stage was 1% in the 2.05% protein diet in the first generation. Interestingly, females exposed to these suboptimal diets produced a significantly higher number of eggs but the survival of their larvae was significantly reduced. It is evident from these results that modifications to the protein content and the nutrient composition profile of the original wheat germ-based insect artificial formula can be used to produce subtle negative effects on the growth of tobacco budworm

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia, Departamento de Nariño, Cauca, Valle del cauca y la ciudad de St Catarines Canadá

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    Una de las mayores problemáticas que ha enfrentado Colombia es el conflicto armado, siendo la memoria clave para recordar el pasado. Lastimosamente a partir de la historia podemos ver como las víctimas de conflicto armado en su mayoría son ignoradas por el estado, y han aprendido a sobrevivir con sus propios medios expuestas a las diferentes formas de violencia. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo a partir de un evento psicosocial traumático analizar su relato y generar propuestas de afrontamiento; y desde el enfoque narrativo realizar un análisis para el caso de: Carlos Arturo. (Voces, 2009 Pag. 34). Identificando la violencia, falta de acompañamiento del estado a las víctimas, vulneración de derechos, desintegración familiar, desplazamiento forzado, impactos y secuelas que deja la guerra. También observamos la resiliencia reflejada en Carlos Arturo, quien, a pesar de sufrir los traumas de la guerra, situación lo ha llevado reflexionar para trabajar en su propia recuperación, pensando en las demás personas que no han podido reclamar sus derechos por temor a represalias. Desde el acompañamiento psicosocial para la reconstrucción de la víctima, se formula preguntas, circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas bajo la justificación desde el campo psicosocial, y la víctima tome su postura como sobreviviente y no como víctima. También se aborda el caso de peñas coloradas, donde la población ha sufrido eventos traumáticos, irreparables; por lo que desde el abordaje psicosocial se propone acciones y estrategias de afrontamiento y consecuencias de la guerra, trabajando en el proceso de transformación y empoderamiento.One of the biggest problems that Colombia has faced is the armed conflict, being the key memory to remember the past. Unfortunately, from history we can see how the majority of the victims of armed conflict are ignored by the state, and have learned to survive with their own means, exposed to different forms of violence. This work has as objective, from a traumatic psychosocial event, to analyze its story and generate coping proposals; and from the narrative approach to carry out an analysis for the case of: Carlos Arturo. (Voices, 2009, pp. 34). Identifying violence, lack of state accompaniment to victims, violation of rights, family disintegration, forced displacement, impacts and sequelae left by war. We also observe the resilience reflected in Carlos Arturo, who, despite suffering the traumas of war, a situation that has led him to reflect to work on his own recovery, thinking of other people who have not been able to claim their rights for fear of reprisals. From the psychosocial accompaniment for the reconstruction of the victim, circular, reflective and strategic questions are formulated under the justification from the psychosocial field, and the victim takes his position as a survivor and not as a victim. The case of red clubs is also addressed, where the population has suffered traumatic, irreparable events; Therefore, from the psychosocial approach, actions and coping strategies and consequences of war are proposed, working on the process of transformation and empowerment. Keywords. Victims, subjectivity, psychosocial approach, resilience

    Reduced Levels of Membrane-Bound Alkaline Phosphatase Are Common to Lepidopteran Strains Resistant to Cry Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis

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    Development of insect resistance is one of the main concerns with the use of transgenic crops expressing Cry toxins from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. Identification of biomarkers would assist in the development of sensitive DNA-based methods to monitor evolution of resistance to Bt toxins in natural populations. We report on the proteomic and genomic detection of reduced levels of midgut membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase (mALP) as a common feature in strains of Cry-resistant Heliothis virescens, Helicoverpa armigera and Spodoptera frugiperda when compared to susceptible larvae. Reduced levels of H. virescens mALP protein (HvmALP) were detected by two dimensional differential in-gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) analysis in Cry-resistant compared to susceptible larvae, further supported by alkaline phosphatase activity assays and Western blotting. Through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) we demonstrate that the reduction in HvmALP protein levels in resistant larvae are the result of reduced transcript amounts. Similar reductions in ALP activity and mALP transcript levels were also detected for a Cry1Ac-resistant strain of H. armigera and field-derived strains of S. frugiperda resistant to Cry1Fa. Considering the unique resistance and cross-resistance phenotypes of the insect strains used in this work, our data suggest that reduced mALP expression should be targeted for development of effective biomarkers for resistance to Cry toxins in lepidopteran pests

    Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search

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    Document recommendation systems for locating relevant literature have mostly relied on methods developed a decade ago. This is largely due to the lack of a large offline gold-standard benchmark of relevant documents that cover a variety of research fields such that newly developed literature search techniques can be compared, improved and translated into practice. To overcome this bottleneck, we have established the RElevant LIterature SearcH consortium consisting of more than 1500 scientists from 84 countries, who have collectively annotated the relevance of over 180 000 PubMed-listed articles with regard to their respective seed (input) article/s. The majority of annotations were contributed by highly experienced, original authors of the seed articles. The collected data cover 76% of all unique PubMed Medical Subject Headings descriptors. No systematic biases were observed across different experience levels, research fields or time spent on annotations. More importantly, annotations of the same document pairs contributed by different scientists were highly concordant. We further show that the three representative baseline methods used to generate recommended articles for evaluation (Okapi Best Matching 25, Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency and PubMed Related Articles) had similar overall performances. Additionally, we found that these methods each tend to produce distinct collections of recommended articles, suggesting that a hybrid method may be required to completely capture all relevant articles. The established database server located at https://relishdb.ict.griffith.edu.au is freely available for the downloading of annotation data and the blind testing of new methods. We expect that this benchmark will be useful for stimulating the development of new powerful techniques for title and title/abstract-based search engines for relevant articles in biomedical research.Peer reviewe